Tim killed Doyle because he hates the Irish, obviously.
We could go with that. It doesn't have the same sort of spicy hyperbole that could get us to 4 by noon, though.
I don't know. Perhaps not the Irish hate, but anything with Doyle will get me going. What a wonderful character. What a wonderful actor. Can you believe that the same person played Doyle and Rosanne's ditzy daughter's husband? Trailer trash and, well, apartment trash. But with vastly different accents!
Doyle note: I'm sure none of this is new for any of you, but somehow managed to miss Doyle/Glenn Quinn info until just this year, when I finally became a real fanatic.
PC note (as in politically correct, not Polter Cow): No offense is meant to any Irish, poor or working class people, middle class people, rich people, unclassified people, actors, writers, real trash, garbage collectors, demons, or watchers of good or bad television, or others that were inadvertently or advertently omitted from this list. Anyone else can be offended at their own discretion, but this is not required.