Wasn't really any highlights. Nothing spectacularly interesting happened. It was nice to see and hug the ME staff and tell them I was so proud of them. 'Cept Joss. He's crowd magnet guy. So I'm Joss avoidant. I saw him walking alone earlier, in peace, and let him be, of course.
My question for Tim was, "What inspired your gift for slaughtering beloved characters at just. the. right. moment. for maximum pain?"
No, wait, that wasn't it at all. I told Polgara. She may remember.
There should be a rule that I get to gun down people who get up to the mike and say, "I have a comment, a 17 part question, a rebuttal, and a script idea."
While sitting in Q&As at cons, wincing in embarrassment for all fan-kind when people who do stuff like this get to the mic, I always propose that we create a fannish SWAT team. They stand before the microphones, screen the questions, and take down people as necessary.
SWAT: What's your question, ma'am?
Fangurl1: Um, well, um. I was going to ask Spike to take off his shirt?
SWAT: First of all, his name is James Marsters, and he is an actor, not a vampire or an exotic dancer. Second, WE HAVE CODE RED. I REPEAT, CODE RED.
t two SWAT team members take Fangurl1 by the arms and haul her to the back of the room
SWAT: Next! What's your question, ma'am?
Fangurl7: Um. I was going to ask about commentary tracks and special features on the Wonderfalls DVDs?
SWAT: You may pass Go and collect your 200 Not-A-Crazyhead dollars. Have a nice day.
SWAT: Next! What's your question, sir?
Fanboi3: Um, I have a question in three parts.
SWAT: Elucidate or die.
Fanboi3: Well, the first part is about Tru Calling and whether it's been renewed, and if so, that's the second part, because I have this spec script --
SWAT: You have chosen unwisely.
Fanboi3: And I think that if Eliza would just talk to me, she'd see that I'm --
Ah, shrift is remembering the "Lick me, Mick" incident. And I wish I didn't.
shrift: reducing the squirmy discomfort in fandom by 11,000%!
Ah, shrift is remembering the "Lick me, Mick" incident.
Oh, yes. But honestly, that one isn't nearly as bad as some of the stuff people have pulled at Dragon*Con and the Official Farscape Con at Burbank.
may i tag?
Indeed, and I am flattered.
SWAT: You have chosen unwisely.
Fanboi3: And I think that if Eliza would just talk to me, she'd see that I'm --
And leave the remains hanging outside as a warning to all other would be violators.
Best embarassing crazy fan story EVAH happened while BF was at a director screening of "Moulin Rouge." (and if I have posted this here before, forgive me) A woman got to the front of the line and in a high state of moral outrage, took Baz Luhrmann to task for the anti-semitism of the movie. He looked puzzled but genuinely interested and asked her what she found anti-semitic. "The Jew," she said, "The most unattractive character not only didn't get the girl but they kept calling him 'the Jew." There was a stunned pause before Luhrman asked "Do you mean 'the Duke'?" As she realized what she had misunderstood, the fan, visibly deflated, muttered "Oh." and left.