I can't decide if the Gayheart character was just written flat, or if she was played flat. I will say that I am glad that Gayheart did not play Inara in Firefly.
Either way, Laura Harris whacked "Daisy" right out of the park.
Perceptions can differ wildly on this. I think Gayheart brought a quirky interesting quality to her character. Harris brings a dimestore Blanche Dubois sensibility with a lot of blowjobs tacked on so her performance can be "edgy." Though I'll agree with the baseball metaphor in that her technique is as subtle as a Mark McGwire home run victory celebration.
Back from Comic Con. Saw our Tim, who was handsome and funny and smmmmart as always.
I thought long and hard, came up with a good question, stood in line, and then the guy in front of me was the last question. Grrrrrr.
Now Tim will never know how brilliant my question was, and it's lost to the world.
There should be a rule that I get to gun down people who get up to the mike and say, "I have a comment, a 17 part question, a rebuttal, and a script idea."
I have to tell ita that Gina puuuuurrrrrrred when asked what the favorite part of her character is. "My gun. I have a sssexy gun."
And I met Jessica's DH!
I couldn't, Beverly. I'm awful about crushes. I can't talk to crushes. I talked to Jenny when the panel ended about going over to the signing thingy, but Tim's panel was right after, and i was all about being Supportive!FanGurl. And not about waiting in a humongous line or whining to Buchanan to let me skip through, because then I'd be a jerk.
There should be a rule that I get to gun down people who get up to the mike and say, "I have a comment, a 17 part question, a rebuttal, and a script idea."
So moved. All in favor, glare menacingly at those not in favor. All opposed, get with the program.
t menacing glare
Now, who here would be old enough to fellate Mr. Flynn?
From what I hear, you don't have to be very old at all.
Purred, Allyson? That is incredibly ... wow.
I am all pro-talking-to-crushes, for the record.
In favor. (glaring)
I so understand about crushes. I can be Ms. Badass on many occasions, but I turn into gibbering fangurl around crushes. So as much as I'd like to be ita, I'm more in the Allyson camp.
So as much as I'd like to be ita
Well, for the record, I'm very much not me around folk like Eric Idle. Then I bolt, as is sensible. But mostly I'm okay.