The instructor that was training for UFC for a hot second supplemented his normal krav traning with boxing and Greco-Roman wrestling. We do quite a bit of ground sparring, but not so much to submission. More to the break or dislocation.
I can see that too. Most of the armbars and locks can cause serious damage if you yank hard enough. bone breaks in MMA fights aren't exactly common, but not unheard of either.
Less than 24 hours. FUCK.
Gandalfe, I was just thinking that. Sigh.
Last new Angel day. The east coast has 9 hours and 50 minutes (per my PC clock) 'til it starts, and 10 hours and 50 minutes until it's over.
The first "Buffy" thread in TT? The "Am I the Only Watcher?" one, that was founded by Agnes Bertiz? It started on May 19, 1997. Exactly 7 years ago. And today will be the last episode of the Buffyverse.
What a ride.
Last new Angel day.
Even worse -- Last new M.E. day. (No, Firefly, no Buffy.)
Even worse -- Last new M.E. day. (No, Firefly, no Buffy.)
Rocks in corner, whimpering.
Next week I'm moving and won't be able to have Tivo or great cable anymore. I guess if there's anytime to lose it, its now. Maybe I'll take a jaunt over to Amazon Marketplace and pick out some good books.
Last new M.E. day.
I'm pretty confident there will be new ME things out there, in the future. It's just that this future doesn't include this following USA TV season, and it's way too soon to even begin to guess what and when it comes, too.