Or am I reading that wrong?
Could be, could be.
::poises for retraction::
But the rest of the point stands -- he's all the father she's got, usefully, and she need[s/ed] him so much that way that I think anything groiny would be inappropriate -- for a REALLY long time.
Again, it's so not the age gap.
I don't mind post-Chosen B/G, because by then Buffy has pretty much ripped the bonds of "authority figure" out of Giles hands and thrown them to the wind. But high school or even early college age B/G doesn't feel right to me.
Beverly speaks for me. Buffy/Giles set anywhere during the course of the show is squicky because she's both underage and his student. Buffy/Giles in the future doesn't even make my squickometer flutter.
[edited to correct for B-names]
I think I just know a couple of May/December, December/May relationships that work, that have a fascinating dynamic that I'd wish on other people I care about. It seems to me that neither Buffy nor Giles ever had much chance for peace and a quiet contentment when they weren't on task. And I see, years on, that they could give that to each other, provide a safe haven for each other, a we know exactly what sort of wolf howls outside the door but for here and now, this is magic and this is us.
I'm not explaining well. Suffice it to say that the relationship--ten years on, or so--has never bothered me, and for the characters who won my heart, I've imagined it and wished it for them. But my heart and mind are not yours, and you need to wish and imagine your own endings and continuings.
I'll just be dreaming in the corner.
Buffy/Giles set anywhere during the course of the show is squicky because she's both underage and his student.
But there are points during the show when she's neither. Not a student, not being Watched by him, not underaged. Does it still squick you then?
And is the underage only important in combination with the student (since she was underaged with Angel)?
"Underage" meaning "not an adult," rather than the strictly legal sense. I wouldn't consider S7 Buffy a child, but I wouldn't consider her an adult, either.
Of course, I was always pretty squicked by Buffy/Angel, too -- someone 200+ having the hots for a teenager is not my idea of romance.
(And edited above. Sorry Beverly!)
I think I just know a couple of May/December, December/May relationships that work, that have a fascinating dynamic that I'd wish on other people I care about.
I have no problem with May/December in general, just particular ones, and this pings those problems for me. I would be less squicked by Willow/Giles than Buffy/Giles. Tara/Giles or Anya/Giles wouldn't have squicked me at all.
'S fine. And thanks. I'm always a bit reluctant to go against the prevailing squick, so it's good to know I'm not the only one lacking it.
I would be less squicked by Willow/Giles than Buffy/Giles.
S7 would have put me in the W/G squick place. It's not just teaching, so much, but emotional, I dunno, repacking from a place of authority. No place for semen!
Anya/Giles would have rocked, and that's way May/December.
So who has Buffy boffed? Three men much older than her (Spike, Angel, the Immortal), one asshole, and her TA.
Tsk, tsk.