Mulder hooking up w/ Buffy
See, I can totally see Buffy going after Mulder, as her fondness for brooding, tormented guys with a gift for snark is well documented. It's the reverse of that which squicks massively.
Now Mulder/Willow on the other hand....
That last item was a joke, just in case someone thought I was serious.
Buffy/Giles I get, although I do not like.
Buffy/Mulder is just dumb.
Now I want to see a Geek Trio of Evil go up against the Lone Gunmen story.
Now I want to see a Geek Trio of Evil go up against the Lone Gunmen story.
And by "go up against" do you mean porn?
Now I want to see a Geek Trio of Evil go up against the Lone Gunmen story.
Me too. You should write it. Or Plei should, but then it might turn into a different kind of "up against" story. (And oddly, I might be okay with that.)
eta: Hee at the x-post caused by that pesky work thing.
Me too. You should write it. Or Plei should, but then it might turn into a different kind of "up against" story. (And oddly, I might be okay with that.)
EWWWWWWWWWWW. I'd be far more likely to write Nabbit hooking up in a gen way with them. If I did such crossovers. Which I don't, as X-Files has been mentioned in the 'verse. (Most of my crossover stuff has been limited to drabbles, with the exception of the AtS/HCL PWP that SA and I wrote ages back.)
Oddly, for crossover pairings, Giles/Scully appears to be fairly popular.
I (and Frank) found something that made Plei say ewwwww. I feel oddly proud.
Eww. Please, no nudity.
I could stand to see Byers loosen that tie a bit, but that's one out of six.