His size may have been difficult to work around.
CK is even tinier, and I don't recall him being a bad fit for the show.
Overall, I think Spike has been a detriment to the show (quelle surprise). He was well-used in "Destiny" and "Soul Purpose," and I truly loved seeing him get smacked down by a muppet in "Smile Time." But in most episodes he sucked up
screentime that could have been better used on just about anyone else, and the preponderance of Spike-centric episodes early on was really grating. To be fair, things have gotten better as the season's progressed.
...eventually culminating in his Manilow loving days, wherein, in a moment of weakness, he fed on someone who was already dead.
You interpreted the diner guy as already dead? I took that as a "well, he's about to die anyway" reaction on Angel's part.
I'm trying to think of an example of a show creator who successfully stopped their show from continuing or being spun off without them.
I don't think it's hyperbole to say that Joss may have the largest devoted cult fandom currently active (I read it as more widespread than Rockne O'Bannon's/David Kemper's). He might not be able to stop the studio from making a Buffy show without him, but I'm fairly confident he could ensure that the effort was DOA.
Well, I'm now in Chicago at the Flashback Weekend con. I have briefly sat at a table with Camden Toy (very funny, animated talker), Stephanie Romanov (so totally unlike her character it's amazing) and Christian Kane (who joked that Boreanaz was already in town, but busy getting knee-deep in whisky). This morning I go in for my photo ops with the latter two, and hope that I can get them to wear my "Angel's Bitch" sign for the photos.
The Toronto Star TV supplement has a cover story on the demise of the show. Unfortunately the article isn't on their site, as it ends thus:
what we all really need to know is whether Angel's true love is Buffy, Cordelia, Darla, Nina the werewolf girl or, what we've long and deliciously suspected. Spike.
For those into purple, here's a shot of the cover pic
Vampire David Boreanaz? That goes right along with the "Hi, this is Spike" WB promos.
This morning I go in for my photo ops with the latter two, and hope that I can get them to wear my "Angel's Bitch" sign for the photos.
Matt, you're thisclose from a moment of perfect happiness. Aye aye aye. Are you meeting up with any Chicago Bronzers or Buffistas?
Not so far, though I have met up with non-Chicago Bronzers OzLady and Ariel. I'm also supposed to meet Angel-loving co-workers, so I probably won't see any Buffistas until Wednesday.
After waiting in line for an hour sweating up my good silk shirt, I was told that the way the photo op/autographs were operating was being changed at the last minute and silver badge guests don't get photos or autographs until tomorrow. If the guests leave before then or I'm told the line is too long and we're SOOL, I'll be needing an alibi for the homicide investigation about the convention organizers' grisly murders my whereabouts this weekend.
Well, that sucks!
I hope you work it out and don't have to go underground for the rest of your life.
I'd volunteer to be an alibi and swear you were doing lunch with me, but it might be better to use a localista.
Have fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics.
Well, I'm trustworthy. Right?
Dear Police:
Matt the Bruins Fan was with me when those people were horribly axe-murdered.
An Attorney
I'd volunteer to be an alibi and swear you were doing lunch with me, but it might be better to use a localista.
I'm local. And I've been in all day, so no one could claim to have seen me elsewhere.
Have fun. I'm looking forward to seeing the pics.
Unless the pics are of the ax murder in progress. I could do without seeing that.
Well, despite the photo/autograph fiasco, some good came of today. Attended Q&A sessions with Stephanie and David, in which we learned the former is married and was never asked about returning for Season 5, and the latter said he's not signing on for TV movies though he hopes an Angel feature film might still happen someday.
Also, when a fan brought up the "Angel and me have never been intimate... 'cept that one ..." quote from last episode David got all embarrassed, started thunking his microphone against his forehead, then saw how that action looked from the side on the big projection monitor and got even more embarrassed.
Now I'm off to the Kane concert.