Since Wes spent so little time of the series dead (10-15 minutes?), it's easy to forget it happens. But it hits me now and then and makes me sad.
But You're Welcome (right?) brought back the very best Cordelia, making the revelation at the end allergy-inducing.
Lilty is so me.
Except for the
part. Not that I didn't get sniffley. I just felt like I was being jerked around for the tears.
Heh. After watching The Avengers steadily with JZ for several months now, I've finally realized why England fell behind the States in the computer race besides having Babbage and Ada and Turing and all those homegrown geniuses. It's because Steed and Peel leave an apalling bodycount of Britain's Top Scientists, never saving a single one. An entire generation of Britain's best minds, lopped off while John and Emma were drinking champagne and toodling around the countryside.
And the ones that didn't get offed got kidnapped and brought to the Village, so there you go.
An entire generation of Britain's best minds, lopped off while John and Emma were drinking champagne and toodling around the countryside.
But they were
Cass, you don't have to whitefont aired Angel in this thread.
Fred's death hurt me. Wesley's didn't because we didn't really have any time to process the ramifications in-show, so I tend to forget about it. Cordy's death didn't make me sad because they had massacred the character so much that it just felt like an afterthought. Lilah's hurt me for Wesley's sake.
I know it's not so much a death as a reality reset, but Connor's "death" in "Home" hurt because it was tragic all around.
I know it's not so much a death as a reality reset, but Connor's "death" in "Home" hurt because it was tragic all around.
Plus, with the necessity of Angel having to do it by his own hand, and ultimately not getting to give Connor his happy life himself.
Connor! He totally needs to be on that list.
After you're done with this list, are you going to make a list of people who were resurrected?
Nah, I think my obsession ends here. In the Jossverse-impermanent sense of the word.
So -- what were the ep names for the deaths of Cordy, Merle, Gavin, and Mr. Lockley?
Cordy? "You're Welcome"
Mr. Lockley? "The Prodigal"
Gavin? "Habeas Corpses"
I can't remember Merle. . .
Okay, looked it up.
Merl died in "That Old Gang of Mine".