Kristin has some more non-conclusive yet encouraging words about a possible series of Angel movies.
Also at ComicCon, ED said that she wouldn't mind doing a Buffyverse film, but hadn't heard of any. (And the blogger said that SMG also hadn't heard of any.)
"Angel" got mentioned in the latest online tvguide:
I just read that WB chief Garth Ancier insinuated that had 20th Century Fox and the network just waited until May to make a decision about Angel's renewal, the show may still be on the air. Of the myriad of questions that come to mind (such as, why on earth would Garth say such a thing unless his motive was to crush every Angel fan out there), my main question is why did they force themselves to make a decision so early? And even if they had their reasons for making an early decision, why didn't the network, when they began to doubt their decision to cancel, vindicate the many fans who were unyielding in their efforts to save Angel? The fans never gave up hope, Joss Whedon wrote a "series finale" that could easily have been a season finale, and yet, they made him strike the sets and lose David Boreanaz so there can be little hope for any Angel movies. Have I mentioned that I hate the WB? — Sarah
This too-little-too-late hindsight felt awfully self-serving to me. It seems clear the network was determined to cancel the show, early deadline or not, and giving Joss a chance to plan an appropriate finale was better than delivering the blow in May. But you're absolutely right that when WB realized that its development for this season was so disappointing (failing, for instance, to get the Dark Shadows remake pilot right), that they could have made an effort to reverse the decision on Angel. Regardless of the result, it would have been seen as a good-faith effort to right a wrong.
OMG! remember last July when we were laughing about Joss' supposedly joking whiteboard regarding the upcoming season?
At the End of Days Starfury convention, [they showed] a video from Joss to the fans that featured a spoof Season 5 writer's whiteboard:
“Numfar = Sexy”
“Angel not brooding enough”
“Show not gay enough, more ballet!”
“Hand puppets”
If you replace "ballet" with "Spike," they incorporated 4 out of the 5 into the actual show!
JM will be 42 in August.
I thought his birth year was a well-kept secret? At least, imdb used to have some stuff about how no one knew for sure. Of course, now that I check again, it's there.
Also, from his biography, under "Where Are They Now?":
(July 2004) At a recent convention, announced he has been given the opportunity to do his dream - a movie version of MacBeth. Currently he's working on adapting the Bard's famous tragedy for the big screen.
Awww. How cute.
given the opportunity to do his dream - a movie version of MacBeth.
According to various con reports, someone ponied up $50 million for backing the movie. Should be enough to do this in quite some style.
someone ponied up $50 million for backing the movie
He must have an impressive pitch.
This I have to see. I don't see the movie in HSX or IMDb, but there is an article about it here. I hope it's true!
given the opportunity to do his dream - a movie version of MacBeth.
I've actually seen JM in a production of MacBeth (long ago, before his stint in the Jossverse), and he was very, very good in the role.
I hate to ask this, Jilli, but what color was his hair?
I hate to ask this, Jilli, but what color was his hair?
A light sandy brown, I think.