Cindy, do you really think it was Oz's personality that defizzed the Bubbly (I love that turn of phrase)? I always thought it was Cordelia's realization that she and Oz weren't really friends and they had nothing in common to talk about once the obvious topics were exhausted. If she really cared about the gang in Sunnydale, she would have pressed him more, I think, but she didn't.
Yes, and I was looking for a better way to put it, and you have. I just think the chemistry between them (which was always interesting, not romantic chemistry mind you, just what happened when the two characters were both in focus in a given scene) was funny. They were very different, yet there was this honesty about both of them. Anyhow, I loved that scene.
Was anyone else cracked up by the fact that in the first two seasons of Angel it was Cordelia and Willow that remained in touch between the two sets of characters?
I just remembered another non- Angel related moment I can't believe I forgot: TONER on the wall in blood at W&H.
And then we find out later the toner is running out because Sabassis' escaped slave was eating it.
It just made me giggle endlessly. Probably because I'm such an office rat and, even with out a little pee-pee demon eating it, I am ALWAYS the one to change the toner. Anyone else will try copying, whine that the copier is broken, and go use another one. The desire to kill has arisen more than once.
The expression on Dru's face as she holds her arms out for a big hug when Darla crashes the W & H office in "Reunion."
Oh, and Dru's little cell phone dance. Actually, pretty much anything involving Dru in "Reunion." She's so wacky!
Oh, and Dru's little cell phone dance.
Oim ringing. Oim RINGING!
t /pause
Oh, I forgot about that.
Epiphany's on the weekly syndicated rerun.
Angel's in Caritas, talking to the Host, and it's really kind of sad to see how different Lorne was back then. Carefree, light-hearted, and nothing like the way he was in Season 5.
Also, they cut the "at least then, leather pants" line! Blasphemers!