No no no. The WEAKNESS of his power is yellow.
He fights crime with, err, green constructs from a magic ring.
Yeah. Like that sounds so much better. But he's got an oath!
in brightest day, in blackest night
no evil shall escape my sight
let those who worship evil's might
beware my power--green lantern's light!
Which, for the record, sounds really funny when you have four people reciting it drunkenly at a wedding, as I learned a week and a half ago.
That's an oath? I like Heroboy's better: "I MUST SUCCEED!"
Bwah. Nobody did that at our table. I feel deprived.
I think I need to stop reading Elseworlds. They are affecting my oath skills.
OH MY GOD i hate the Green Lantern.
There are multiple Green Lanterns. There used to be a whole corps.
Then bad things happened. So the last guardian said "fuck it" and gave the ring to some slacker artist boy with a pretty face.
Because his other option was a homeless drunk guy or something.
I am not making this up.
Bwah. Nobody did that at our table. I feel deprived.
They knew to stick the serious goobs together, says the girl who spent the night with a Robin lego figure shoved down the front of her formal attire.
I wandered over to other tables and made them say it for me if it was on their infocard.
Oh, wait, I may be wrong. I think DX was at our table, and he said it. Unless I'm hallucinating...
Which, you know, possible.
I'magoing to bed.
I know DX said it. I think Jon said it. For some reason, I'm remembering you at a different table. Heh.
In ways both good and bad, that's what we *do*.
Heh. First version was "Only you guys would parse the shout-out," but that seemed like it might sound bitchy when it was meant affectionately. Well, and it was less quippy.
So, what's doing now, Strega?
Honestly? Wishing someone would give me a carton of cigs right now. I may have to put on shoes and get my own. Dammit. At TWoP, dunno yet. I have schemes, though. Fearsome ones. Totally.
With your inside knowledge of fandom, and Strega's seething hatred of fandom
You say that like these are different things. Okay, I'm not so much with the "inside." And maybe Allyson doesn't seethe. Unless she wants to.