I think that people would still like the shows to go all the way through and then have a repeat of the season so you could a. catch episodes you missed or b. watch shows on other channels that conflicted with shows that you watched first run.
This is for people who aren't going to even attempt either tivo or watch a, tape b -- because they are less invested in the shows. (Or the post show discussions.)
That's a good point, sumi. People do expect time to "catch up in reruns". 24 does that replay on F/X thing, though, I think that's been working out pretty well for them.
But nobody likes the hiatus, do they? Does hiatus have a plural? Though I guess it's an early shot at that seeing the ones you missed thing.
Are most viewers even aware of TV seasons? Because I wasn't, until I started watching Buffy.
I would say that the average viewer thinks that the new season starts in the Fall -- when the TV Guide does that Fall Preview issue.
I was aware of TV seasons from younger than I can remember. New cartoons started at the end of August, and then, to my disgust, they moved them later and later as school started earlier and earlier. I can remember being highly disgruntled by that, but not how old I was.
I think that people who do not have any shows that they would consider "appointment tv" are not as aware of the tv season, when sweeps fall, when the new schedule comes out etc, as those of us who have had appointment tv.
So, um... I've been gone for... a week. Was there a general consensus opinion on the finale? Yay? Nay?
Was there a general consensus opinion on the finale? Yay? Nay?
I've seen a lot more Yay than Nay here. Hell, even on TWoP. It could just be that the Yays are more vocal because they have many many fascinating, lovely reasons for loving it, whereas the Nays don't hate it enough to keep on talking about how much they hate it.
I think that people who do not have any shows that they would consider "appointment tv" are not as aware of the tv season
I think even if you just watch whatever's on, you still know new shows/episodes start in the fall and finales air in May, more or less. It's just so heavily promoted that it's probably like knowing more or less what the baseball season is, even if you don't watch the sport.