Excellent! I may bite the bullet and read the rest of the scripts now.
Lovesick, my Ass!
[NAFDA] Discussion of all Wonderfalls episodes, including the unaired ones. When discussing Wonderfalls, anything goes. Safe-words and white fonting are not needed. Spoilers for other shows are verboten. Posts with offers to buy, sell, or trade copies of episodes will be deleted.
Don't worry, world domination won't take me long if I really concentrate. Im like Stewie from Family Guy, I have all these plans but get distracted by such things as naps and the teletubbies.
Under 1,000?
Under 1,000?
Another person who won't see any unaired eps until the end of May.
Whoo and Hoo. Love the new title - if only I could watch the episode.
The title bar looks very funny:
Polgara: Lovesick, my Ass!
Which is not necessarily false, since I'm not. Lovesick, that is. Hee.
My ass.
Did you just say, "my ass"?
She did, and apparently it's ringing.